Where’d Ya Go Bernadette is an adventurous comedy about a quirky and mysterious mother in Seattle and her young daughter’s quest to find her after she disappears from their home. It’s an unexpected and fun read. It’s even a movie starring Cate Blanchett! During our bookclub meeting,
Read more →As part of our bi-monthly book club, in collaboration with the French American Center, we have the pleasure to announce that we are debating “The Twelve Tribes of Hattie” by American best-selling author Ayana Mathis, published by Windmill, on March 20th at 7 PM. Ayana Mathis is a
Read more →For our next Book Club meeting, we have chosen to read the latest short story collection from Alice Munro. The Canadian writer recently received the Nobel Prize for Literature and was described by the Swedish Academy as “the sovereign of new contemporary art”. The book consists of
Read more →The Book Club made its debut on Tuesday the 12th November at Sauramps. The book in question was The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, a novel by Rachael Joyce which explores the importance of love and friendship in the face of suffering. We shared our personal responses
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