The bookclub at the French American Center is a way to connect to another culture by way of literature, but will remain accessible to various levels of English speakers. All books chosen will have a French translation, in case you want to read it in your native French but discuss it in English.  We will meet every 6 weeks to give everyone enough time to read the next book. You’re encouraged to give your opinion and observations on the story, setting, and characters of books by American authors.

Bookclub in Montpellier

They, and your fellow members, will give you some insight into various pockets of American society. Like all events at the French American Center currently, you can join in person or via Zoom. So come join us to discuss the first book of the year with “Where’d Ya Go, Bernadette” on October 15th at 18:30, both by zoom and at the French American Center. For additional accessibility, you can also watch the film and discuss various differences!

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